Cookies for a cause fundraiser!!!!

We need help getting the word out for Cookies for a cause fundraiser for Sjon. Cookies can be picked up in Santaquin and will be delivered to the SLC area once a week. For more information call Shannon 801-854-3005

Monday, April 11, 2011

Latest updates


First of all we want to thank everyone that purchased cookies for the fundraiser.  Your support and love mean more than you will ever know!  Thank you , thank you, thank you!
The past 2 months have been a bit rough for Sjon.  He has been quite sick and the treatments he has been getting up to this point have not worked as they had hoped they would.  Right now they are focusing on finding something to at least slow everything down.  Even at that his spirits are great and he is keeping a positive attitude as we all should for him as well.
So the update is... He has started a new regimen of radiation that will go through the month of April. They are taking everything day by day and cherishing every moment.  Sjon and Angie have both said it is in God's hands and they are trusting in that.  Yeah they are both the awesomest people I know :)
One more thing incase you do not have a facebook here are their latest posts.

April 6th Sjon-
Just a little update. We had quite a little scare last weekend and got a nice ambulance ride and some time in the hospital. One of the scariest nights of my life, thank God I've such an amazing wife!! Starting radiation tomorrow on some of the bigger tumors and I'm actually happy to get it going!! That's it for now cause it can change daily so we just enjoy every day!! Love you all sooooo much ♥

April 2nd Angie -
Sjon will be starting radiation next week and it will last through out the month of April. I am asking that if phone calls don't get returned right away, we will get back to you as soon as we can. He gets very tired and does keep in happy spirits. But, his body is going through a lot right now. And he deserves for all of us to be strong and positive for him. The last 2 months have been especially emotionally draining. So far none of the treatments are working. Now they are just trying to get things to slow down. We are saying lots of prayers and focus on being positive. We know that this is in Gods hands and we get to trust that.

April 2nd Sjon-
We appreciate and love everyone that has been here to support us. There has been a lot going on and things keep changing all the time. I will post on here updates as we learn more. I hope that everyone understands that we are trying to comprehend what is happening and that sometimes it is a little overwhelming to keep answering questions. When we don't have the answers most of the time ourselves. We love all of you.
March 5th Angie-
Update on Sjon: Spent last weekend in the hospital can't keep much of anything down. Found out yesterday that he couldn't have the next round of the trial drug right now. They are putting him on steroids to help with the side effects. The cancer tumors have gotten bigger and there are also some new ones showing. Will found out more next week what the next step will be. So frustrating. Damn It!!!!